Become a Tutor

Please Note:

  1. All Dynamic Services tutors are considered contractors and, as such, will be issued a 1099 form at the conclusion of each tax year.
  2. The form below is designed to gather some preliminary information about any person choosing to express interest in becoming a Dynamic Services Online Tutor.
  3. All new Dynamic Services contractors will be required to complete and submit additional documentation that may include but also may not be limited to: W4 Form, I9 form, direct deposit forms, application addendum
  4. All new Dynamic Services contractors will be required to attend a remote/virtual onboarding and orientation session.

Direct Deposit Forms

    Enter First & Last Name:

    Enter the Best Phone Number & Email Address We Can Use to Reach You:

    Please Enter Your Mailing Address:

    Please Select Your Timezone:

    Please Select the Best Time to Call You:

    Do You Hold a Current Educator License/Certification:

    What Area Do You Hold Certification (if not certified please enter N/A)?

    Have You Ever Had a State Issued Educator License/Certification Revoked for Any Reason?

    If You Answered "Yes" to the Previous Question, please provide an explanation:

    Are You Willing to Submit to a Background Check?

    Please Provide a General Idea of Your Availability:

    What Are You Interested in Tutoring?

    If Selected, You Will be Required to Attend a 60-Minute Onboarding Session/Training. Are You Willing to Attend?

    Please Upload a Copy of Your Current Teacher Certificate/License:

    Dynamic Services eLearning
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